From the Development Director: How You Can Help

It is coming up on a year that I have served as VISTE’s first Development Director. Of course, I could never have imagined how 2020 was going to unfold – none of us could. But one thing I learned from the first day I started is that VISTE has incredibly loyal donors.

When the virus hit and the economy shut down, I was extremely worried. I’m still concerned, but less so now. Why? Because of the generosity I witnessed this spring. You came through with an overwhelming outpouring of love and support for VISTE clients, just when they needed you the most and just as you have done for the last 37 years.

COVID-19 brought to light the extreme vulnerability of our elderly population and their reliance on the services VISTE provides all year-round. For many, VISTE is the sole provider of services they need to remain safely and independently in their own homes.

To make sure VISTE is here to serve area seniors for generations to come, we have begun to introduce additional ways YOU can help sustain VISTE’s future. The Leave a Legacy, Change a Life brochure offers many ways to provide support, both through current giving as well as deferred giving, such as naming VISTE as a beneficiary in your will. Long-term planning can benefit both you and VISTE. I am happy to discuss any of these options or answer any questions you may have. Please consider ways you can help VISTE serve the elderly for the next 37 years, and beyond.

Contact Lisa Marquette at

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