THANKS + GIVING… the name itself implies two complementary acts inevitably intertwined in the ebb and flow of life. None of us is on an island unto ourselves. We have all received much to be grateful for, and each of us has the capacity to give to others our time, talents, and/or treasures. Indeed, this holiday season is a time of giving thanks for blessings received and to express generosity toward others.
In many ways, this is a season of contrasts, a time of change as well as to celebrate time- honored traditions. A time to reflect on events of the past and look forward to the prospects of a new year ahead. If this season were to be summed up in one word though, perhaps it would be HOPE. Hope that holiday traditions will bring with them a greater sense of “normalcy” and renewed joy. Hope for our futures, both individually and collectively.
As we enter this holiday season, we give thanks for each of you who demonstrate care and compassion through your generous support of VISTE. We also invite you to make this season brighter for our elderly neighbors by providing Thanksgiving Meals and Personal Care Items. Your generosity not only helps address immediate needs, but the personal delivery of these items also brings renewed Joy and Hope to many, especially those who would otherwise be alone this holiday season. Please check out the articles below to learn how you can keep HOPE alive this holiday season.
Engaging in these simple acts of kindness can also lead us more deeply into the mystery of this season and the wisdom of St. Francis – “For it is in giving that we receive.”
With gratitude!