Happy 2024! This past year marked VISTE’s 40th Anniversary. We took that opportunity to honor our past and look forward to the next 40+ years of service to our elderly neighbors in need. While the names and faces of Board members, volunteers, staff, and clients have changed over the years, our common mission remains the same: to help elderly persons remain safe and independent in their own homes. 2023 was a milestone year for VISTE and we are excited for the new year ahead! To keep that momentum moving forward, I want to extend a personal invitation for you to participate in our annual fundraising event, VISTEBall.
This unique, indoor, golf-themed event is fun for golfers and NON-golfers alike! No black ties needed… dress comfortably in casual attire. There’s LOTS to enjoy at this year’s VISTEBall, including food, drinks, both online and live auctions, and plenty of games and prizes! VISTEBall is a fun way to support a great cause.
Tickets are seventy-five dollars per person (21 and above) and include parking, a buffet dinner, beer, wine, and margaritas, both silent and live auctions, games, and prizes. Tickets can be purchased online at VISTE.org or call (863) 683-8458 for more information. All proceeds benefit Volunteers in Service to the Elderly.
Get your tickets now for the 19th Annual VISTEBall! Saturday, February 3rd at Sun ‘N Fun Expo Campus, in the Skylight Hangar. I’ll look forward to seeing YOU there!
We are grateful to all who have stepped out in faith these past 40 years and to those who continue to make it possible to bring care and hope to a growing number of seniors in need. With your ongoing support, we look forward to continuing this good work together in the new year ahead, and for generations to come.