That greeting takes on special significance this time as 2023 marks the 40th Anniversary of Volunteers in Service to the Elderly (VISTE). We invite you to join us throughout this coming year to honor those who started and built up this unique organization, celebrate this milestone anniversary, and look forward to the next 40+ years of service to our elderly neighbors in need.
In 1983 Ed Kren, Director of Catholic Charities, invited 14 people to share his vision of helping the elderly in need. In the beginning, those volunteers provided transportation assistance to 38 original clients, mostly to medical-related appointments, the grocery store, etc. As volunteers and resources grew over time, additional services were added such that today there are well over 1,000 community volunteers of all ages engaged in providing an array of services to more than 4,000 seniors in need. While the number of services and geographic area have expanded beyond Lakeland to include Bartow, Mulberry, and Ft. Meade, VISTE’s mission remains unchanged: to help elderly persons remain safely and independently in their own homes.
* There is no other VISTE on the planet
* VISTE is not a Federally funded organization and relies instead on local support
* An average of 10,000 people celebrate their 70th birthday every day in the USA
* All VISTE clients are 70 years of age or above and our eldest recently turned 107
That’s right, VISTE wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for YOU! We are grateful to all who have stepped out in faith these past 39 years and to those who continue to make it possible to bring care and hope to a growing number of seniors. With your ongoing support, we look forward to continuing this good work together in the new year ahead, and for generations to come.
Saturday, February 4, 2023 – 18th Annual VISTEBall at Sun ‘n Fun Expo Campus
This event will also kick off VISTE’s 40th Anniversary celebrations. Read on for more details.
Monday, May 22, 2023 – 2nd Annual VISTE Open Charity Golf Tournament at
The Club at Eaglebrooke
Forward Together!