April is National Volunteer Appreciation Month. Each year we take this opportunity to highlight the volunteer spirit upon which this organization was established 41 years ago and hold our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon. This is a time to recognize and thank all VISTE volunteers and shine a spotlight on a few of the outstanding individuals and groups that personify the spirit of volunteerism. We hope you will be as inspired as we are by the volunteer award recipients highlighted in this newsletter.
We live in a community that is characterized by its compassion, generosity, and volunteer ethic. I love welcoming folks to the “International Headquarters” of Volunteers in Service to the Elderly! Not only does that underscore the fact that there is no other VISTE on the planet, it recognizes and pays tribute to the unique nature of our community’s defining characteristics. While the number of seniors continues to grow throughout our country, VISTE’s locally- supported, volunteer-based approach simply wouldn’t be sustainable everywhere else. We are blessed!
At the same time, it’s important that we continue to nurture the spirit of volunteerism so that it remains vibrant and strong for the next generation, and beyond. I invite you to check out upcoming volunteer opportunities, many of which are family friendly. Working together, we are planting and nurturing the spirit of volunteerism in the next generation.
So, to all that have in the past and those that continue to volunteer, we say THANK YOU! Helping thousands of seniors remain safe and independent in their own homes would not be possible without the ongoing and generous investment of your time and talents.